Dear Patron,As nation takes steps to contain COVID-19 outbreak with extension of lockdowns, we hope you are safe and taking necessary precautions. Life after COVID-19 will move on albeit with additional safety measures. We believe and are ready to inculcate few hygiene practices into our operations besides SOPs.
Infrared thermometer to check all guests at check in.
Walk-in tunnel at entrance.
Hand sanitizers at reception, conference halls and dining hall. We encourage our guest and staff to use it often.
Mask available at reception for our guests who like extra care.
Fogging to continue twice a day.
We have also procured a fumigation machine and will be used regularly.
We have roped in BMC to disinfect common areas every fortnight, besides usual pest control.
Special disinfectants to be used to clean hand held rails.
Steaming cutlery and serving dishes.
Disposable gloves to be provided to staff in kitchen and dining.
We will seek co-operation from guest and avoid big gatherings where possible.
Continue feedback from guest to improve our services.
Our Resort under lockdown is being sanitized & fumigated every day, as I write. We thank you for your custom and look forward to serve you soon.
Best Regards For Chene Creek Resorts Pvt. Ltd. Management
Beautiful place for destination weddings. So close to home. Carrying a lot of memories. The place is big and in the midst of forest. So many different venues for different functions. Enjoyed thoroughly.